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People We Seek For

We invite youths to join in Lotte’s beautiful dream that is already standing tall in the world. Lotte cares more about the possibility of making the future rather than the present state. We are looking for global talents with passion and responsibility to grow mature with our society. ‘The world full of love. 'Society of liberty’, and ‘fruitful life’. These are Lotte’s dreams for our future. We cordially invite young talents with following traits to join in our dream. Challenge-People that are not afraid of failure. , Passion-People that put continuous effort into developing skills and ability., Communication-People that understand cooperation and creation.
People that are not afraid of failure.
We invite young people of sprit and grit that are not afraid of failure and strive for success. Creative failure is a privilege of being young. We prefer people with active challenging spirit that can learn from failure and keep striving toward success to people that settle for stability, because they are afraid of failure.
People that put continuous effort into developing skills and ability.
We invite young people that continuously train their knowledge and abilities to achieve success with true ability rather than with youthful recklessness. No one can beat the person who puts continuous effort and prepares for the future. We are waiting for people that put continuous effort into improving themselves as well as into developing their organization.
People that understand cooperation and creation.
A truly powerful person knows how to cooperate and yield. We believe that appreciating and respecting minds gathered together can make our society better. Of course, it is a company’s duty to train individual ability and competitiveness, but whom we are really waiting for are young people that truly understand their role as a social being. Invest your young and big dreams to Lotte. We, continuously stepping forward and growing Lotte, will make your future bright.